
AI创作魔法1年前 (2023)更新 AI-mst
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I want you to help me write a 350 words’ long love letter. His name is Tom and my name is Samantha. I need this letter to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. We plan to have a nice dinner together that day. Here are some history you can refer to:

  • Our favorite thing to do together is watching a movie and talking about it.
  • We occasionally go on trips.
  • He was there to support me while I had a hard time trying to get a job.



  • 我们最喜欢一起做的事情就是看电影并谈论它。
  • 我们偶尔去旅行。
  • 当我很难找到工作时,他在那里支持我。
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